New Features (and How They Affect Conversion Rates)
Just a quick update on some new features and a chance to talk about how they affect conversion rates. First, I implemented FeedBlitz on the right side of the blog page, which lets you subscribe by email. That way, if you don’t know how to do feeds, or you don’t want to do feeds, you can just read this blog in your email. I linked to the FeedBlitz privacy policy right there at the email box, so that if you have any concerns about use of your name, you can see that FeedBlitz shares it with me and no one else. (A best practice for conversion – always show the right information at just the right time. If you care about collecting email addresses for your marketing, then get that privacy policy right by your sign-up box.)
Also, I implemented a new FeedFlare. FeedFlares are the little bells and whistles that show up at the end of the posting. The FeedFlare I implement is “Subscribe to this feed” which is now at the end of every post in the blogsite. True, you can subscribe to the feed by clicking the orange feed button on the right side bar, but once again, it is about providing just the right call to action in just the right place.