Marketing Vs IT: A Great Solution
So how do you get the good folks in IT to help you when you’re a web analyst who doesn’t have the ability|clearance to make changes to the web site yourself?
That was a small part of the presentation that I did at the eMetrics Summit yesterday. There probably isn’t any one answer, despite the fact that I sure did hear a lot of marketers with the identical problem: “IT doesn’t have any incentive to help me (put up page tags, for example.) They think it will just slow down the site.” However, one woman in the front had a stupendous answer. She consistently goes back to her IT department with a technographic analysis — 404 errors, browser type, etc. The stuff that her IT department loves. So she has wittingly? unwittingly? made them into one of her customers, but can’t keep it up unless they help her.
I wish I knew her name so that I could ask her to write a guest post.
Robbin Steif