Jim MacIntyre Of WSS And My Blog

October 30, 2006

“What do you think about Jim MacIntyre becoming CEO of WebSideStory?” the investment banker asked me this morning.

That was twelve hours ago and I had no data so could only speculate. But now I have real data:

My most popular post today was this one, Absolutely Blown Away by Visual Sciences. It had more than 65% as many views as all the views for that post combined for the last business week:

Furthermore, from Thursday October 19 through yesterday, only 7.3% of the people who read that post lived in Utah (or more correctly, had computers that live in Utah.) But today, 80% of computers looking at my Visual Science post live in Utah.

I am happy to do the reporting here, but I don’t want to do the analysis. This is partially because I don’t want to get involved in a competition that has nothing to do with me, and partially because I would need more data anyway. (I know, it is very unusual for me to mind my own business. But it happens sometimes.)

Instead, I will close with a comment about Google Analytics. GA – I see your geographic drilldowns all the time, I “demo’ed” them at the Summit — but this was the first time that I have ever used them for something truly meaningful. Thanks for having them when I needed them.

Robbin Steif