Creative Morality And Web Analytics Wednesday


September 23, 2011

This past Wednesday, we had WAW here in Pittsburgh. Many thanks to Mike Ross, the head of WA at Dick’s Sporting Goods, who pushed me to do it, and Brian Collery, late of American Eagle and now at Omniture Adobe who convinced me to help with it.

The crowd was just large enough to be fun and just small enough to hear a lot of great stories. For example, one of the people who attended told me that his own sense of morality is ‘creative.’ But, he pointed out, even his creative morality was offended by the practices of his former employer, a company now being sued for fraud. (Drink and learn, it appears.)

Many thanks to Monetate, who sponsored. I listened to the speaker show how he didn’t get any lift from any of his tests, but saved his employer tens of thousands of dollars by showing them that a new home page was not the answer. And how about that awesome food!

So to Pittsburgh web analysts and would-be Pittsburgh analysts — we’ll be doing another WAW in January.
