PMI Mile Hi Symposium - Iterative Innovation With Design Sprints
Event Details
This event occurred on Fri, Feb 21, 2020
Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th Street, Denver
During the PMI Mile Hi Symposium Bill Banks, Scott Leitl, and Midstream's Madison Spangler presented the session, Iterative Innovation With Design Sprints.
When transitioning to a digital workforce, companies often struggle to determine where to begin their innovation journey. The Design Sprint process, created and optimized by Google Ventures, is ideal for cases when the solution to a problem is unclear. The ultimate outcome of a Design Sprint is a greater level of confidence in a solution and faster delivery to market. Attendees learned how DCP Midstream developed a cross-functional team of employees and contractors who applied this process from research to prototype within five days.
Takeaways included:
- Learn to leverage the Design Sprint process for rapid results
- Methods for identifying the need for change, and how to pivot with intent