
A Game-Changing Shopping Experience

Wilson Sporting Goods Co. has been at the forefront of award-winning sports equipment innovation for over 100 years, and continues to lead the charge in digitally connected, socially shareable, and highly customizable products used by premier athletes and everyday enthusiasts alike. Although recognized as technically masterful, Wilson’s passion for the people and culture surrounding their products was not reflected in their online shopping experience. Their family of brands used multiple content management systems, which did not support how they wanted to speak to their customers. We partnered with Wilson to turn their traditional commerce site into an experiential purchasing platform, resulting in increased revenue and commerce conversions, and a reduced bounce rate. These metrics reflect a transformation that fully established Wilson as a distinctive digital player in the highly competitive sports marketplace.

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  • Commerce Platform Implementation
  • Mobile, Web & Emerging Applications
  • Commerce Experience Design

Business Issue

Wilson needed a solution that represented their distinct brand identities, reflected the relationships people have to their products, and made purchasing those products a seamless process. They needed a platform that supported experiential commerce: a highly engaging experience that transformed the buying process, leaving customers with an emotional allegiance to their brand and product.

Wilson's commerce platform Magento housed product information, but did not fully showcase their diverse family of products, or support the content that connected customers to the brand.


Combining content and commerce called for a blended solution. We brought Drupal and Magento together using the web accelerator Varnish, creating the first connector of this kind. Drupal provided visual flexibility and robust content management functionality, rendering text, images, and video in a variety of ways without sacrificing Magento’s commerce backbone. By utilizing the strengths of both platforms, we enabled a scalable design, strong mobile presence, and shared shopping cart, and empowered the Wilson marketing team to incorporate rich, editorial content into product pages.


Wilson’s site architecture now supports purchasing power and fan culture, which is reflected in their additional revenue — the results of increased, continuous user engagement. Rolling out new branding strategies is simple; from the latest Louisville Slugger to athlete profiles to a full homepage relaunch, Wilson continues to connect with the people behind their products. Wilson makes the shopping experience more than buying what you need — it is a place to explore what you love.