4A's CX Effect+ - Mapping a New Frontier: Taming the Wild West of CXJMs

Virtual Event

Event Details

This event occurred on Thu, Dec 9, 2021

Kari Shimmel (Chief Strategy Officer, Campbell Ewald) and Marc Blanchard (Chief Experience Officer, Bounteous) hosted a breakout session during 4A's CX Effect+.

It's an understatement, but the last 18 months have seen such massive disruption that most journey maps are antiques reflecting a time that's almost unrecognizable. What's more, the many different definitions and maps can add to the confusion, creating a wild west for CX. Kari Shimmel and Marc Blanchard presented a showcase of agency journey maps, talked about their fragmented CXJM lexicon, and discussed the impact journeys can have on brand strategy.

This workshop armed attendees with the tools needed to navigate this new frontier of journey mapping, understand their CX gaps and opportunities more deeply, prioritize CX initiatives, and ideate solutions using proven collaborative design methods.
