Design4Drupal - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and to Love Composable

Speaker Session

Event Details

This event occurred on Thu, Jul 20, 2023

Salem State University, 352 Lafayette Street, Salem

Composable. It is the new hotness. Everyone is talking about it. Even Dries, in his Driesnote at DrupalCon in Prague and in blog posts on his website, has been discussing composable and how Drupal is composable. But what’s the buzz all about? How is this different from headless? What is going to make this approach stick? Before you can decide if a composable architecture is best for you, you need to understand what composable is, what the costs and benefits are, and how to get started.

In this session, we dove deeper into what composable is. We also discussed what makes Drupal composable. 


Chris Greatens
SVP, Open Platforms