Even The Big Names Make Their Share Of Conversion Errors

December 12, 2005

This morning, I sat down to sign up for the UIE Usability Roadshow. I was very impressed at a number of features in their shopping cart. For example, as soon as they asked for my credit card, they included the words “Note: This is a secure server.” And then, when I got to the bottom of the page, it said, “You’re not quite done registering yet. One more step to go. Please proceed to the final step and review your order.” Talk about a friendly message that helps you understand where in the process you are!

But when I got to the final page, where I had to confirm my order, I didn’t get enough information. They told me the price and the city that the seminar would be in, but the dates weren’t there. “When is that seminar again?” I thought. So I had to go back to my email and find their message and open up another browser and find the date of the seminar, which wasn’t even in the same month that I had expected.

I’m sure it will still be a great seminar.
