It's Here! Google Analytics Shortcuts
After I wrote about Justin Cutroni’s upcoming GA Shortcuts books, people wrote and said, “So? When is it going to come out?”
I just (we’re talking, 60 seconds ago) found out that it is now available. You don’t have to salivate anymore, go to the O’Reilly Site and buy his book for $9.99. And it even looks like you can buy it in hard copy for $29.99. And you can write a review before I get to, because it is 2:36 pm and I have four deadlines by 5 pm.
Plus, if I wrote a review, I would point out that the slashes go in the wrong direction in the figure that shows you how to create a filter to combine your hostname and request URI. And who needs me always criticizing their RegEx?
Justin — congratulations. I know how hard you worked, how many nights you stayed up, how many weekends were workdays for you, how you had to make your family go on vacation without you so that you could finish it. The web analytics world will be a better place because of you. Certainly, those of us who care about GA documentation are in heaven.
Speaking of which: to the two winners of the Google Analytics Documentation Contest – I will get your copies to you before this long weekend is over.