Batman Pictures (and How To Title Your Blog Posts)

June 3, 2010

batman picture

What does this post have to do with pictures of Batman? Nothing, actually. Other than the fact that we’ll start getting some search traffic from people looking for images of Gotham City’s caped crusader.

What this post is really about is the importance of how you title your blog posts. When I say “title” there are two key elements that I’m referring to 1) the headline on the page and 2) the title tag (which is often the same as the headline).

Why Batman? Well, he’s the inspiration for this post. You see, way back in 2007 we wrote this post with a few pictures from the eMetrics Summit. It was just a quick, lighthearted post that started out with a reference to Batman. The headline on the page is Batman rules: Pictures from the Summit and the title tag includes that same headline at the beginning.

To date, we’ve had more than 700 visits from people searching for Batman pictures (there are 57 different keyword variations, everything from Batman pictures to pics of Batman and even Batman in love pics!) In fact, the keyword phrase “Batman pictures” is on the top 10 list of keywords that have driven the most visits to our site of all time. It’s #9. I don’t know if that should make me happy, or sad.

What’s the moral of this story? Title your posts carefully! Remember that the title tag/headline of your blog post is one of the most important SEO elements that you have control over. Although it can be tempting to write clever or funny headlines, don’t disregard the impact that they have on bringing in qualified (or in this case unqualified) search traffic.

I’ll leave you with two more humorous examples:

Our post titled So you think you know what your customers love? gets visits from people searching for how do you know when your in love.

Our post titled GA Site Overlay (and a letter to you, Avinash) was visited by someone searching for a letter to you my lover.

Do you have some funny examples of keywords that you get visits from? Share them in the comments!