June 2023 Industry Report: On‑Premise Dining Technology Innovations

June 1, 2023 | Bounteous
June 2023 Industry Report: On-Premise Dining Technology Innovations

Consumer facing on-premise technologies such as tablets, kiosks and digital signage have become table stakes at QSRs, fast casuals, and casual dining restaurants. And technology advancements continue to shift quickly toward self-service tools that speed up operations and enhance both the customer and employee experience. In our June 2023 Industry Report, “On-Premise Dining Technology Innovations,” you’ll learn: 

  • Projections for current technology trends 
  • Which on-premise tech innovations are key to growth 
  • Which brands are going all in on digital tools 
  • How brands are taking omnichannel to new heights 
  • Why everyone is not yet on board with restaurant tech 

This research was compiled by the Bounteous restaurant and convenience strategy team.

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